Dear Natalie,
Today you are TEN! Double digits are a big deal!
I know I tell you all the time that you are my baby, but the truth is you are not little anymore. You no longer need help getting dressed, or washing your hair. You wear deodorant (what?) and can make your own breakfast and school lunch.
On the other hand, I am glad you still let me hold your hand in public, snuggle with you at home, and kiss your nose. I love the young woman you are becoming! Being around you is always joyful and has a calming effect on me. As I always tell you, “You are my medicine”.
This year there have been some firsts for you:
You made the choice to be baptized and committed yourself to Jesus. This decision made all of us very happy.
You went to Summer Camp for the first time and loved the experience.
You participated in your first Triathlon
You hiked the Grand Canyon with Daddy and Grandma. I am so proud of you. That is a big accomplishment!
You started clarinet lessons at school and are progressing very well.
Some things have stayed the same:
You are still a “Daddy’s Girl”
You love fashion and putting outfits together
You read all the time
You love Star Wars and Comics
You still sleep with your stuffed animals
You absolutely love your kitties and they love you
You still like to play video games and watch TV a little bit too much
As you leave your single digit years behind, my simple wish for you is that you stay in a relationship with Jesus Christ and let him be your guide when you are making choices in your life.
I also pray that our relationship lasts a lifetime, that through our ups and downs you always remember I am in your corner, cheering for you, ready to help when you need me and ready to rejoice in your accomplishments.
I love you to the moon and back "baby"!