Today was the last day of school for the girls. Kaitlin's is now officially a high-schooler and my "baby" little girl is going to third grade!
I have been doing a side by side comparisons of Natalie's first and last day of school since she started Kindergarten (You can see here 2008-2009 and 2009-2010) and every time, when summer comes around, I'm still always shocked at how much she has changed.
I love how you can really see how she has grown not only physically (notice the folded pants) but also emotionally. In the First Day Picture she looks a little shy and hesitant and in the Last Day Picture you can see how much more confidence she is displaying.
Kaitlin also had an amazing year! She turned into a full fledged teenager seemingly overnight.
Sometimes I want the train of life to slow down a little and let me enjoy them at each stage a little bit longer. But there is no stopping them [grin], so there is no choice but to keep moving onto the next adventure.